The characteristics of precision injection molding are:
The dimension of injection molded parts requires high precision and small tolerance.
To meet the requirements of precision injection molding, the following conditions must be met:
1. The material of the mold shall be good, the rigidity shall be sufficient, the dimensional accuracy of the cavity, the finish and the positioning accuracy between the templates shall be high.
2. Precision injection molding machines should be used.
3. Dalian injection molding should adopt precise injection molding process.
4. Materials suitable for precision injection molding process shall be selected.
Most of the commonly used precision injection molding materials are as follows:
POM, POM + CF (carbon fiber), POM + GF (glass fiber), PA, frpa66 (reinforced PA), PC, etc.
The important method to ensure the dimensional accuracy of injection molded parts in the process of precision injection molding is to control the shrinkage of injection molded parts, including thermal shrinkage, disguised shrinkage, orientation shrinkage, compression shrinkage and elastic recovery.
The characteristics of ordinary injection molding are:
The dimensional accuracy of injection molded parts is not high. Generally, it is based on the standard of assembly. The appearance requirements of injection molded parts are relatively high. If necessary, secondary processing (such as oil injection) may be used to improve the appearance defects.
Ordinary injection molding does not need a particularly precise injection molding machine, nor does it need specially specified materials. Generally commonly used thermoplastics can be used for production. Therefore, ordinary injection molding process is also widely used in modern plastic industry.
Dalian injection molding